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last updated december 2, 2020
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the creators of this site are not medical professionals. we are simply trying to educate others by directing them to credible sites with information.
resource masterlist
what is ADHD?
adhd stands for "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". it is a neurodevelopmental disorder, placing it on the neurodiversity spectrum. more than three-fourths of cases of adhd as a child will continue into adulthood. adhd is often misunderstood or oversimplified by those with and without it. to learn more about adhd, click the buttons below.
executive dysfunction
executive function is the brain's main functions that manage other functions. those with adhd experience executive dysfunction, where parts of these functions are impaired. this is the root of many adhd challenges. to learn more about executive function, click the buttons below.
stimming is a physical reaction that stimulates the senses to react to something. every person has different stims, but common ones include hand flapping and leg tapping.
this article talks about the correlation between autism and stimming, but much of it applies to adhd as well. for more on the differences between the two, see here
hyperfixation and hyperfocus
a hyperfixation (similar to "special interest", a term used for autistic individuals), is a topic or piece of media that an individual with adhd's brain fixates onto. seen as a 'obsession', the hyperfixation takes over the brain, making it hard to focus on anything else. hyperfocus is a similar term, but hyperfocus is more about the action of doing something (hyperfocusing on drawing, reading, playing a game) while hyperfixation is just internally being fixated on something. the two can go hand in hand: you might be hyperfixated on bugs, so you fall into a state of hyperfocus researching bugs. see the buttons below to learn more!
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)
rsd helps describe the unique relationship people with adhd have with socialization. one of the reasons it can be so hard is because of rsd. it can lead to depressive thoughts, amongst other things.
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
spd is not a symptom of adhd but rather a separate disorder that many people with adhd (and other neurological disorders like autism and ocd) experience. it describes heightened issues with the senses that neurotypicals do not face, and can often lead to feelings of overwhelm.
add vs adhd
adhd was originally referred to as add. now, add is another term for inattentive-type adhd. to learn more about the different types of adhd, visit the website below and check out the graphic under it.

image credit to adhd_alien
Is ADHD considered a disability?
short answer: yes. under the americans with disabilities act (ADA) and the rehabilitation act, adhd is considered a disability. however, eligibility to recieve certain benefits depends on the indiviual case.
students in the united states with adhd are legally protected by the OCR to get accommodations to help with their ADHD